People, Places and Things

People, Places and Things



Lost Wages, Nevada….

…The only place where you’ll find Mickey Mouse down on his luck!


There’s our own Dave Thomas caught under the hypnotic spell of tubes in the Audio Power Labs suite.

Double-vision? Nope. A pair of identical and dapperly dressed twins.


(Left to right) Vladimir Lamm of Lamm Audio, Aleksandr Bakman of Onedof turntable and Robert Graham of Graham Engineering caught in their best posture.


Nothing quite like the sweet spot!

Caught up to Dallas Mavericks basketball owner Mark Cuban in the Venetian trying to remain as anonymous as he could. Didn’t work. Even with his name tag on backwards, I recognized and saluted him. Great guy.

Mr. Burmester himself in the flesh!


When Yoav Geva of YG Acoustics tells me there’s a lot of passion behind his products….I see he’s referring to life and happiness as well. His lovely wife Sonja couldn’t agree more.


David Karmelli once bought the largest pair of loudspeakers – horns of course- to CES. Now officially retired from the audio business and no longer in the Big Apple, it was nice to catch up to David here at CES.

The lovely Janice Mancuso of Reference Recordings…Cheers!

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest’s loveable Majorie Baumert and Ramsey Thurber of Sanders Sound System (who came all the way from Scotland), were having a great time at T.H.E Show’s luncheon.

Bruce Springsteen’s Born in The USA probably served as great theme music ya think?

Merryl Jaye’s portrait of John Coltrane in this hauntingly retrospective posture is a Love Supreme indeed.

Brian Cheney amidst a stack of Ampzilla electronics in his VMPS suite

A pair of M-Audio Solaris Class A FET Condenser mics used in the VMPS Live vs Recorded suite at CES

Westlake Audio may have good sounding loudspeakers but their look is downright appalling.

Alan Yun, Mr. Silverline Audio in the flesh.


Photography at its best compliments of Everard Williams.

Wes Bender of Wes Bender Studio NYC and Paul Jason of Viola electronics.

Wywire’s Nina and Alex Sventitsky having fun at this year’s show.

Here’s the Sventitsky’s alongside Zesto Audio’s George and Carolyn Counnas and Dennis Foley (far right) of Acoustic Fields room acoustics.

Always fun running into industry icons like Robert Harley (right) and The Absolute Sound’s publisher Jim Hannon.

Everybody’s texting these days…

Yep, everybody includes Dave Thomas and Key Kim..

Trying to size up our own Dave Thomas for a new television show called Pimp my Editor.

Yeah, I plan on getting Key on the show as well.


The Chesky brother David and Norman walking the halls of the Venetian.

“We take Requests” says Magico’s Alon Wolf.

Reference 3A’s Tash Goka and Rich Schultz.

Kaplan Cable’s a New York City based company and Paul Kaplan is its proud owner.

Norm Dorkham, US importer of Audes loudspeakers (second from right), is always a pleasure to see at these events. Here is Audes designer Igor Tjurin (left) with his son Daniel and also Master Sound’s Lorenzo Sanavio.

Ken Stevens of Convergent Audio Technology (left), George Vatchanadze of Kyomi Audio and Stealth Audio’s Serguei Timachev (right) take a time out for a smile.



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Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

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