JCAT USB XE EVO USB card by Rob Dockery


I, the resident DIY Audio server guy, Rob Dockery, checking in once again! I’m writing about the new JCAT USB XE EVO USB card. This is JCAT’s newest entry in its long tenure of USB card development, built and designed from the ground up to enhance audio playback sound quality from DIYMusic servers. I’ll talk about how this is factually true and how this card compares to some of the earlier iterations of USB cards from JCAT. These cards are designed specifically for those with DACs that accept USB input.

To veer slightly off-topic, the belief is that I2S is superior to USB or vice versa. I want to stress the importance of implementing the transport protocol for sound quality. Each input format has its pros and cons; for example, longer I2S cables introduce many of the shortcomings of I2S performance, and it is best to use as short of an I2S cable as possible. Too often, I see people compare the inputs on the same dac and say, “I2s sounds best!” but they do not take into account:

  1. When switching from USB to I2S, the source switched from a noisy laptop to a Raspberry Pi with an audio-purpose I2s capable hat, running a low latency, real-time kernel audio-tuned operating system.
  2. The cable switched from a printer USB cable to an i2S cable for audio listening.

I can go on, but the point is every component matters. Both the quality of the source and its implementation of the particular transport protocol in question (I2S, USB, Coaxial, etc.) and the Dac’s receiving end. So comparing inputs on the same dac while swapping sources/cables/operating systems/playback software is not the correct way to determine which input type is unanimously better in all scenarios. Now, to return to regularly scheduled programming…

The JCAT USB XE Evo may sound familiar to you – well, that’s because it is almost identically named to its predecessor. Several worthwhile performance enhancements are implemented on the Evo version I am reviewing today. Those enhancements are:

1. Move from the smaller u.fl input to SMA to connect the clock module. This alone accounted for an increase in sound quality during the design phase.

2. Improved onboard voltage regulation. Halving the noise levels of the LT3045-based regulators on the previous USB XE card.

3. Built-in EMI Noise reduction filter on port J2.

4. Optimized firmware.

As with many aspects of audio, it is difficult to “quantify” in writing how one component will sound better/different than a similar solution. But in this case, most people hearing these cards (USB XE vs. USX XE EVO) will hear a difference, the latter sounding better across the board. I will drill down into those differences shortly.



How do the USB XE and Evo compare?

FuseAudio Banner (1).jpgThe Evo is a step up in every way. The strengths align with what one would expect from a device with better voltage regulation, lower jitter, and refined implementation through and through. The aspects of the sound that immediately stood out to me were:

1. Lower noise floor. There was a layer of “noise” removed that I did not know I had until I heard this card. I know this is a cliché statement, but it is undoubtedly true. The quietness was evident immediately and allowed for better expression of nuanced moments in my reference tracks.

2. The transparency is improved. There is less veil, resulting in a more open sound with improved clarity and texture. This resulted in a new appreciation for my favorite tracks. I can hear more deeply into the recordings in a desirable way.

3. Bass is more extended and more controlled. I do not use a subwoofer, so the bass extension from my mains is all I have, and even the most subtle change is audible when it comes to bass quantity and quality.

The result is quite a big step up collectively. Let’s drill down into each of the above observations to develop an appreciation for what’s happening here.

The USB XE introduces a lower noise floor with snappier transients and less digititus than ordinary USB card options. These improvements scale up as you improve the input power supply. The Evo does all of that but takes the authenticity of timbre to the next level vs its predecessor. Everything sounds more accurate and expressive. I’ve found myself experiencing more “hair-raising” moments with the Evo. This is shocking because I have OCD optimization levels everywhere on this server. With exceptionally low noise on my semi-dedicated AC line, optimal power for my server, and expansion cards, how can one objectively and subjectively extract more performance from the same system? It comes down to the notion that everything matters in the audio chain.

Tweekgeek2017.gifFrom a value proposition, the JCAT USB XE Evo is worth the asking price. You have the option, for the first time with JCAT cards, to use the onboard OCXO or external 20mhz clock, though, admittedly, this review will be solely based on using the card with the JCAT Master OCXO. This card is worth the entry fee if you already have top-tier power and have heavily optimized your chain. For those DIY-hard (this is deliberate spelling 😊) individuals like myself, this card will not disappoint. Percentage-wise, if the JCAT USB XE Evo is rated at 100%, the previous XE would come in at around 85%. This is close, but once you hear the Evo, it is impossible to unhear what it can do.

Drilling down into some tracks, Larry Carlton NEVER disappoints. I often  wonder if he was an audiophile, as many of his Albums are incredibly well recorded. I may have mentioned this before, but a good friend, Mike, put me onto Larry Carlton’s album “Alone/But Never Alone” and the track Smiles and Smiles to Go. It was this track we used to discern the differences between cables, grounding boxes, power supplies, you name it. This track is moderately laidback but can blow you away with semi-surprising transients. With the JCAT USB XE Evo (I will call it the Evo from here on out), those transients were so much more gripping and visceral; there was seemingly more texture without sounding “dry” but honest. This was a nice step in the direction I’d like to take my system—a pleasant surprise.

Stepping into the world of Latin music was next on the demo track list; I fired up the album “Cuban Fantasy – Witmer Trio ft. Jan-Luc van Eendenburg.” If you do not yet have this album, give it a listen. If you look, you can find this album in its original, very well-recorded glory. The track La Mulata Rumbera starts nice and slow, then takes you on an explosive journey towards the end. The high-hat strikes were much more expressive in a satisfyingly violent way. It brought a huge smile to my face. I try to pay special attention to moments with high dynamic contrasts for these reviews, and the Evo did not disappoint. I will say that the Evo does not give you a “goofy” and artificial dynamic slam, but it simply presents itself as a well-executed attempt to bring you closer to what the artists intended you to hear. Ultimately, This is the goal: To accept that we are not there but to get as satisfyingly close as possible within our unique budgetary constraints.

Looking at the big picture:

The JCAT USB XE Evo costs 1200 €. There are other options on either side of the price scale. The performance of this card in my system is commensurate with the asking price. If you have a $150 DAC that sounds amazing in your system, this card’s price may seem a bit outlandish and borderline ridiculous. I tried this card with a Topping E30 in my system and compared several other options. The Evo stood out on top, but I felt that most of what the card could extract in expressiveness and realness was lost with that particular DAC. So, pairing is important to realize the gains made available to you with a USB card like this. This means having a suitable power supply for the card, clock, server, and overall low AC noise.

The JCAT USB XE Evo can be described as neutral and unveiled, effortless in presentation, capable of beautiful timbre, and glorious PRAT. Why do USB cards matter? Implementing power, clocking, and component placement all affect what we hear, and the Evo is a substantial improvement.

Happy listening, all!


Price: $1249.00

PCI Express USB Card for High-End Audio
Plug & Play in any PC or mini PC with a PCIe slot
Extreme sound quality improvement for any USB DAC or USB-DDC
2X lower noise: New state-of-the-art linear voltage regulators with 0.46 µV RMS noise level
Zero-switching power supply design
State-of-the-art ±0.005 PPM (±5 PPB – Parts Per Billion) stability Emerald OCXO (oven controlled oscillator) delivers the most stable timing in the presence of environmental stressors such as airflow, temperature perturbation, vibration, shock, and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
SMA Connector: Compatible with our external Master OCXO Clock upgrade
EMI Filter: The USB port with built-in EMI noise reduction filter
Highest quality industrial grade components with operating temperature range from -40*C to +85*C
Low latency & low noise ASM3142 USB 3.1 host controller (latest firmware optimized for best sound)
Gold plated high durability EMI shielded USB connectors
Two High-End USB Audio outputs supporting Low Speed (1.5 Mbps), Full-Speed (12 Mbps), Hi-Speed (480 Mbps) and Super-Speed (5 Gbps) data rates
Supports all lossless formats and sample rates
External PSU option eliminates computer as the source of power. For lowest noise and best sound quality use JCAT OPTIMO power supplies. (requirements for the PSU: 5V/1.5A min)
Both full-size and low-profile laser cut PCI-e brackets included
All x1-x16 lane PCI Express 2.0 slots supported
Supported operating systems: Windows (all editions), Linux, Mac OS (10.14 or later)
Why Choose USB Card XE EVO?

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