Entreq Protectus & Max T Mix T2 by Moreno Mitchell


Entreq (Energy Transforming Equipment) has been a mainstay in my audio system since 2009. I started using Entreq Grounding boxes in various models. To this day, I still use Entreq products such as grounding boxes, vibration control, and cables. Entreq is a well-known company throughout the audio industry. Their commitment to excellence is why they are such a viable commodity.  I jumped at the opportunity when I received an email from Entreq’s CEO, Mr. Per-Olof Friberg, asking me if I would evaluate some of Entreq’s new products.

At first, I was expecting information on new technologies for grounding devices. However, when I was informed about vibration damping control and magnetic field control, I became curious about what direction I would be taking. In the past, I have used Entreq vibration control products, Entreq Vibbeaters, and ES Pads with my equipment and with excellent results. To this day, I still use these exact products.

For the reader who only knows a little about Entreq (although I would be surprised if you don’t), here is a brief paragraph on the company philosophy.

“That which can be measured is not important, and that which is important cannot be measured.”

The statement “That which can be measured is not important, and that which is important cannot be measured” contains a lot of truth, even though it is not entirely accurate. Through our journey, we have learned a valuable lesson: do not rely solely on measurements when evaluating the impressions and impacts of electronic units.

The above statement has always been a pet peeve of mine. Technical measurements are fine, but my ears and brain are all the measuring tools I need when evaluating music.

Upon reading the criteria sent before receiving the new Entreq Protectus and Max T Mix T2, I felt their philosophy made sense. However, one doubt was that many vibration control products are out on the market, and they have been so for many years. I have used and evaluated more than my share of vibration control products. With that said, I was very anxious to sample what they were shipping to me for evaluation and feedback.


Product Descriptions:

Protectus is a vibration platform. Instead of letting three feet do the job, Protectus uses the entire surface under the device, causing a more significant effect. We use layers of Cross-Laminated Timber with cavities in a strategic pattern that we fill with mixed metal spheres of various materials and sizes. These metal spheres effectively convert vibration energies into heat. Since all metals are connected, galvanic currents are generated, forming a magnetic field that affects the devices’ electromagnetic fields.

MixMax T2: The Max T and the Mix T2 contain a metal mix, which reduces vibrations at the speaker terminals and influences the magnetic fields around them. The result is a lowered noise level, increased dynamics, and significantly better signal flow.



Product Evaluation1;

The Entreq Max T Mix T2 arrived two weeks after I contacted Entreq. Once I unwrapped the package, I was elated that I would not have to move heavy components or reposition anything. Installation was simple: connect the appropriate Max T and Mix T2 to positive and negative speaker terminals per the instructions.

Once that was accomplished, I allowed my system to warm up and sat down for a brief listen. Audiophiles are always searching for any product they can add to their systems to help reduce noise or interference to the signal without changing the original characteristics. Entreq claims that the Max T Mix T2 reduces vibrations and magnetic interference at the speaker terminals. After a few days of listening to several musical cuts I am very familiar with, with the Max T Mix T2 installed, I experienced a more relaxed presentation, especially in the voices. The more vibration anomalies one can eliminate will result in deeper listening into the music. It also makes all the sense in the world, reducing vibrations and magnetism at the vulnerable speaker connection. After a few weeks of listening and evaluating, I sought out a second opinion from a close audio friend whose opinion I respect immensely. I then passed on the units to him for feedback. (see below).

Product Evaluation 2

Entreq Protectus:  Another few weeks have passed since my initial conversations with Entreq regarding part two of the proposed evaluation. I read a limited paper on the Protectus to give me an idea of its function and purpose. At first read, I hesitated to evaluate because my system was loaded with vibration devices costing thousands of dollars. However, after reading the engineering concept of the Protectus platform, I could understand where this was headed, in other words, how Entreq was attempting to raise the bar to reduce vibration-dampening.

The Protectus platform arrived via DHL shipping in a sturdy wooden box with the Entreq insignia. The platform was very well-packed for international shipment. After unpacking, the Protectus came with instructions, an Entreq Eartha cable, and a tool-free “Q fix quick connector.” The Protectus I received was medium size, level 1, measuring  L 390mm x W 450mm x H 30mm, weighing approximately 12 pounds. The cross-laminated oak wood finish was first-class, which I expected from an Entreq product.  The platform can be ordered in three different sizes (medium, large, and extra large) at three levels, each offering more technology. What truly sets Protectus apart from other vibration-dampening products is its metal mix, which affects the high-frequency electromagnetic fields surrounding other devices. The Protectus is designed to drain away high-frequency currents that otherwise circulate within the component’s chassis, causing high-frequency magnetism.  

I installed the Protectus underneath the Auralic G2 Streamer. This placement made the most sense since it is a source device and fits perfectly. I connected the provided cable directly to the chassis of the Auralic and the Protectus connector. It was all too easy. I wish all installations were this simple.

Knowing that I replaced a set of prominent vibration devices with the Protectus, I knew I had to put on my best critical ears to provide a complete and honest evaluation. For this reason, I went way back in the archive of music selections and bombarded myself with selection after music selection. Although it took me some time to distinguish where, if any, improvements were made, I was pleasantly surprised at how some selections moved me in a way that was not prevalent at any other time. I connected emotionally and spiritually; the sonics poured into the room with relative ease. My system was already top-notch. However, even though one can operate the best of the best audio components, there are those gremlins that still need to be tamed.


In this review, the Max T Mix T2 and Protectus provided a level of magnetism-reducing and vibration-dampening that I did not have prior. I want to experience Enteq’s Protectus Level 3 platforms throughout my system. Then, I can provide a complete assessment of Protectu’s overall capabilities. However, I am very impressed with adding one level 1 platform.



Manufacture Retail Pricing
Entreq Mix T Max T2 $1,200
Protectus Level 1 $1,000
                  Level 2 $1,800
                  Level 3 $2,800
Entreq Headquarters
265 90 S-Åstorp

Website: www.entreq.com
Email: info@entreq.com
Phone: +46 (0)705 200 500


Moreno’s Associate Equipment
Thrax Spartacus 300B Tube Amplifiers
Thrax Teres Hybrid Power Amplifiers
Thrax Libra 300B Tube Preamp
Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II Phono Amp
Pro-Ject RPM 10 Carbon Turntable/ Van den Hul Stradivarius Cartridge
Otari MX5050BIII-2 Reel-Reel Tape Machine
Thrax Maximinus DAC
Esoteric K-01Xd CD/SACD Player
Auralic Aires G2.1 Network Transport
Waversa EXT Reference Plus
Roon Neutrilik Plus
Sean Jacobs Power Supply
EtherRegen Network Switch
YG Acoustics Sonja 2.2i
REL G1 MKII Subwoofers (2)
Hemingway Sigma Speaker Cables
Hemingway Sigma, Beta, Alpha Power Cords
Albedo Metamorphosis Signature and MKII Monocrystal Interconnects (3 sets)
Albedo Gravity III Power Cords
Ansuz Digital DTC Supreme
Ansuz Audio Interconnect DTC
AC Conditioners
Puritan PSM156
Sound Application TT-7
Inakustic AC4500 Power Station
Townshend Audio Seismic Platforms
StillPoints Stands SS Ultra 6’s
StillPoints Equipment Rack
Synergistic Research Black Box (2)
Room Tube Bass Traps
Ansuz DTC Power Box


One thought on "Entreq Protectus & Max T Mix T2 by Moreno Mitchell"

  1. Roger says:

    I have entreq protectus level 2 under my Esoteric streamer.
    And i also put max T plugg and olympis ground cable.
    With that you get more details

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