Category: Events
Event – The Hi-Fi Show 2000 in London
October 16, 2000
Event – The Hi-Fi Show 2000 in London Adnan Arduman 16 October 2000 Like last year, the Show took place at Novotel in Hammersmith, London. It is organized by the British Hi-Fi News magazine. [Read More]
Event – Dick McCarthy’s CBS Studio Press Party
August 7, 2000
Event – Dick McCarthy’s CBS Studio Press Party Jim Merod 7 August 2000 The July 21st luncheon event at CBS Studios in Burbank, sponsored by Dick McCarthy representing Richard Gray’s Power Company, was a [Read More]
Event – Hi-Fi & Home Theatre 2000: Moscow, Russia
April 25, 2000
Event – Hi-Fi & Home Theatre 2000: Moscow, Russia Sergei Taranov 25 April 2000 In early March, the talk in Russia focused on politics, with the coming presidential elections drawing the lion’s share of [Read More]
Event – A First Trip to Clement’s
March 30, 2000
Event – A First Trip to Clement’s Henry Wilkenson 30 March 2000 I believe that it is always a good idea to listen to live un-amplified music whenever possible and reference quality sound systems. [Read More]
Event – Sin City: Part Two
March 20, 2000
Event – Sin City: Part Two Surveying CES Jason Serinus and Clement Perry 20 March 2000 “…the smaller listening room, featuring new, not-yet-available PS Audio power cords, cables and electronics, and Power Plants on all [Read More]
Event – A Visit to Martin Logan in Lawrence, Kansas
February 1, 2000
Event – A Visit to Martin Logan in Lawrence, Kansas Steve Ekblad 1 February 2000 Martin Logan wants all of their dealers to be as aware of the ins and outs of Martin Logan’s [Read More]
Sin City: Part One
January 24, 2000
Sin City: Part One The CES 2000 Show from Las Vegas, Nevada Clement Perry 24 January 2000 Wow has this placed changed a lot in only a year. The Hotel Casinos have become enormous in [Read More]
Event – Dolby Labs Takes Its Show on the Road
November 21, 1999
Event – Dolby Labs Takes Its Show on the Road Steve Ekblad 21 November 1999 Dolby Labs took the show on the road and to the sales staff at United Audio Centers in Chicago, [Read More]
Event – A Visit to the Home of Panamax
October 21, 1999
Event – A Visit to the Home of Panamax Reprinted with permission Steve Ekblad 21 October 1999 At one time or another, everyone suffers equipment failure due to a power surge, spike, or lightning. Most [Read More]
The Hi-Fi Show – London ’99
October 10, 1999
Event – The Hi-Fi Show – London ’99 Adnan Arduman 10 October 1999 I visited the show during its first two trade days: 23-24 September 1999. It took place at Novotel in Hammersmith, London. [Read More]
Stereo Times Masthead
Clement Perry
Dave Thomas
Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,
Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek
Site Management Clement Perry
Ad Designer: Martin Perry