Category: Commentary
Thank You
June 30, 2004
Five years is a long time for most things, especially a small business. To thrive (much less survive) on the Internet as a magazine that caters to only a handful of music lovers [Read More]
What Do Records Sound Like?
December 27, 2003
What Do Records Sound Like? Russell Lichter December 2003 We were having dinner with our friend Helen the other week. (Should I tell you about Wahid’s incomparable lamb skewers, his basmati rice and homemade [Read More]
A Well-Grounded Education
November 23, 2003
A Well-Grounded Education Tom Mallin November 2003 I’d like to suggest that in order for the performance of your system to soar to new heights, you must first pay close attention to the way [Read More]
A New York Meeting With Brian Epstein
July 11, 2003
[Publisher’s note: It is with absolute pleasure and gratitude that ST was granted permission to share these incredible stories with all of you – told by none other than Chris Huston himself. These excerpts are [Read More]
Linn at Fantasy
June 20, 2003
Linn at Fantasy Constantine Soo 20 June 2003 On June 12th Brian Morris of Linn invited ten guests, including myself, out for an evening of music and refreshment as part of a two-day, 5.1 [Read More]
A Love Of Music
March 27, 2003
A Love of Music The Sixties Paul Szabady 8 October 2003 I was ten years old at the beginning of the 1960’s, twenty at its end. Like most whose coming of age coincided with that decade’s [Read More]
Preview – The Shunyata Lyra Speaker Cables and Aries Balanced Interconnects
January 3, 2003
Preview – The Shunyata Lyra Speaker Cables and Aries Balanced Interconnects Wire For The Ages Gregory Petan 3 January 2003 Over the last few years I have not spent a lot of time experimenting with [Read More]
A Visit to Meadowlark Audio
December 18, 2002
Road Trip Clement Perry 19 December 2002 Watertown, NY, three hundred forty miles north of New York City and only a stones throw from the Canadian border, is a town so peaceful in its [Read More]
An Afternoon in the Future
November 14, 2002
An Afternoon in the Future Commentary Gregory Petan 14 November 2002 I’ve just got home from a very entertaining afternoon visit with our Editor and Chief, Clement Perry, and I feel compelled to relate to [Read More]
Premium Car Radios-High End or Hokum
October 23, 2002
Premium Car Radios-High End or Hokum Commentary Ross Wagner 23 October 2002 The star of the June Home Entertainment Show in New York City was not a speaker system. Nor was it an amplifier, a [Read More]
Stereo Times Masthead
Clement Perry
Dave Thomas
Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,
Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek
Site Management Clement Perry
Ad Designer: Martin Perry