Category: Commentary

Rune Tunes

June 8, 2001

Rune Tunes Commentary Jonathan Foote 8 June 2001 The mail’s been just overwhelming! This from Dr. Beebeb D.D. Chatterboks of Pissepore, Uzistan: the good doctor, who holds several post-doctoral degrees in holistic and ana-holistic statistics, [Read More]

A New And Improved Shortcut To Product Evaluation

May 3, 2001

A New And Improved Shortcut To Product Evaluation Commentary Jonathan Foote 3 May 2001 Remember when the feds reintroduced the two-dollar bill? It bombed. Too young for that one? Okay then, remember that dollar coin, [Read More]

Alternatives to 5.1 Surround Sound for High-Fidelity Music Reproduction

March 23, 2001

Alternatives to 5.1 Surround Sound for High-Fidelity Music Reproduction Commentary Ralph Glasgal – Ambiophonics Institute 23 March 2001 The 5.1 speaker arrangement specified for home theater viewing of movies can never be the successor to [Read More]

A Question

March 23, 2001

A Question Commentary Mike Silverton 23 March 2001 Enthusiasm among audiophiles for low-output, high-distortion tubed amps raises a question the answers to which may not be as engaging as the vague yet persistent issues they [Read More]

Ambiophonics, 2nd Edition Chapter 8

February 24, 2001

Ambiophonics, 2nd Edition: Replacing Stereophonics to Achieve Concert-Hall Realism Chapter 8 Ralph Glasgal February 2001 Ambiopoles and Ambiophones Ambiophonics combines four technologies to produce realistic sound fields and actually does it optimally via two-channel [Read More]

DVD Audio FYIs

February 18, 2001

DVD Audio FYIs Commentary Barry Merer 18 February 2001 You can still remember the first time you saw and heard a DVD-video in full surround sound. Maybe you were at a friend’s house, or perhaps at [Read More]

The Path Less Traveled

February 7, 2001

Why Do Things-That-Shouldn’t-Have-a-Sound, Have One Anyway? Commentary Mike Van Evers 7 February 2001 The Path Less Traveled Q. What do you think is the next important frontier in power conditioners? A. The next important frontier is not [Read More]

Sorting Eccentricities: Call Me No. 3

January 12, 2001

Sorting Eccentricities: Call Me No. 3 Commentary Mike Silverton 12 January 2001 Surely you’ve noticed: as we audiophiles grow older and our hearing degrades (as it must), we become all the more fastidious. About our [Read More]

Musical Meddling

December 25, 2000

Musical Meddling:A Single-Pole Passive Filter For Beautiful Biamping Commentary Greg Weaver 25 December 2000 A Reason to Meddle It had been a night of live blues at a little club downtown. Afterward some of us [Read More]

On Responsibility

November 23, 2000

On Responsibility Commentary Mike Silverton 23 November 2000 In the December, 2000 issue of Stereophile, we see these words in Industry Update under Jonathan Scull’s contribution, US: INDIANAPOLIS: “A larger Richard Gray’s Power Company Model 1200S debuted at CEDIA…. [Read More]

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Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry