Category: Cables

Mojo Audio AC Power Cables and Lucent Interconnects: More of a Good Thing

May 24, 2001

      Mojo Audio is a small Pittsburgh PA-based audio manufacturer that strives to provide its customers with excellent products that provide a very high cost-to-performance ratio. In addition to cables they offer a [Read More]

Supra EFF-I Interconnects and Ply 3.4/S Speaker Cables

May 7, 2001

Supra EFF-I Interconnects and Ply 3.4/S Speaker Cables From Sweden Milan Cernohorsky 7 May 2001 Specifications Product under review:RCA Interconnect model EFF-I.Price: approx. 5000,- CZK(US: 180 USD, UK: 70-80 GBP) per 0.7 mSpeaker Cable model [Read More]

Cable Reality Check

April 25, 2001

Cable Reality Check   Jason Thorpe 25 April 2001 Specifications Items under Review: Kimber Bifocal XL speaker cable. Price 8′ pair $1920.00 USDKimber Hero Interconnect. Price 1.0 M pair $150.00 USDKimber TAC Hybrid tonearm cable. [Read More]

Magnan’s “Silver Bronze” Cable

March 9, 2001

Magnan’s “Silver Bronze” Cable A Pro’s Point of View Jim Merod 9 March 2001 Specifications Silver Bronze Interconnects:Micro-thin silver and bronze ribbons with Teflon-air dielectric4’ unbalanced RCA: $1,0004’ balanced XLR: $1,200 Address:Magnan Audio Cables355 N. [Read More]

JPS Labs UltraConductor Speaker Cables

February 18, 2001

JPS Labs UltraConductor Speaker Cables   Milan Cernohorsky 18 February 2001 Specifications Product under review: Ultraconductor Speaker Cable.Price $174 per 8/foot pair with bananas. JPS Labs6 Hampton CourtLancaster, NY 14086 USAPhone: 716-685-5227FAX: 716-683-2784Web: When designer, [Read More]

Wasatch Cable Works

January 11, 2001

    Speaker Cables and Interconnects Clement Perry 11 January 2001   Specifications   Products under review:RCA Interconnect model RCA-102U. Price: $100 per meterBalanced Interconnect model XLR-205U. Price $450 per meterSpeaker Cable models LC-510. Price [Read More]

Granite Audio Model #470 Silver Interconnect

December 30, 2000

Granite Audio Model #470 Silver Interconnect   Constantine Soo 30 December 2000 Specifications Pricing: 22-gauge, 99.9999% pure silver, Slow-Drawn Pure Silver (SDPS), continuous-cast crystal formation, 100% optimized shielding with both continuous foil and silver braidRCAs: [Read More]

Acoustic Zen’s “MC-Squared” Digital Cables

December 21, 2000

Acoustic Zen’s “MC-Squared” Digital Cables A Pro’s Point of View Jim Merod 21 December 2000 Specifications Zero Crystal” silver 110-ohm digital cableOne-meter RCA: $298One-meter XLR: $328Each additional meter: $200ACOUSTIC ZEN TECHNOLOGIES800 Los Vallecitos Blvd. Suite [Read More]

Audience Powerchord

December 6, 2000

    Clement Perry 6 December 2000 Specifications Price: $422 review samples.Manufactured by Audience1525 Brian PlaceEscondido, CA 92025-5551(800) 565-4390Web: If you’ve not heard of Audience Inc., that’s because they are new to the audio industry. [Read More]

Ensemble Cables – The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

October 30, 2000

Ensemble Cables – The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts A Message from the 12 × 12 Heru Wesley 30 October 2000 Specifications MasterFlux Interconnects, 2+2 conductors, doubled shielded, drain wire, single-ended [Read More]

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Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry