Category: Amplifiers

Audio Mirror WAVE tube preamplifier By Terry London

January 11, 2024

In 2020, I reviewed the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC (reviewed here). It was stellar in its performance, competing with DACs that cost twice as much and was exceptionally well built using very high-quality [Read More]

Adcom GFA-565SE High Current Power Amplifier by Greg Voth

November 6, 2023

    Like it says in this Adcom amp’s instruction manual, read the manual first. Had I not, there was a chance, albeit small, that I’d have only heard the left channel of the new [Read More]

Aric Audio Super 6SN7 Linestage Preamplifier by Mike Wright

October 20, 2023

  I had an exciting encounter at AXPONA this past April. I was going over some of the rooms I had been by and exchanging thoughts with one of my pals when a gentleman I [Read More]

Vera-Link Wireless Amplifiers by Greg Voth

September 17, 2023

  I just love this time of the year! I received delivery of a 4 TB SSD drive to expand my newly acquired 32-bit Memory Player’s library in the best way possible, a pair of [Read More]

Return of Enleum; High-Efficiency Addition by David Abramson

September 4, 2023

    The return of Enleum. The revenge? No. No need; it never lost and wasn’t wronged. It was more like regret. Yes. Regret of Enleum. I told designer extraordinaire Soo In and dealer/distributor extraordinaire Rob Fritz I [Read More]

LSA HyperDrive-2 Hybrid Stereo Preamplifier/Headphone Amp by Greg Voth

August 14, 2023

    I’ve been interested in some hands-on time with the LSA HyperDrive 2 Hybrid Stereo preamplifier/headphone amp since its introduction by Walter Liederman’s earlier this year. This handsome “hybrid” unit has a tube [Read More]

Enleum Amp-23R stereo amplifier by David Abramson

December 1, 2022

One of those (exalted) boxes… The Enleum Amp-23R is one of those boxes that come along every now and again, tumbling in headlong upon a wave of 5-star reviews and heady praise from seemingly all [Read More]

Benchmark Media Systems AHB2 Amplifiers by Don Shaulis

October 8, 2022

It wasn’t a dark and stormy night when I sat down to start writing this review. It was the first day of summer with a predicted temperature of 104F and many hotter days to follow. [Read More]

SPL Performer s1200 stereo amplifier by Terry London

March 27, 2022

    I have participated in the high-end audio hobby for close to five decades. The great majority of that time was spent as a passionate audiophile pursuing the finest equipment to put in my [Read More]

Parasound JC5 Stereo Amplifier by Greg Simmons

March 21, 2022

    They’re Coming…and They’re Mean! Any minute now, there’s going to be a violent pounding on the door, a torch-wielding mob, or maybe a brick with a threatening note crashing through the living room [Read More]

Als Audio (66)NanoFlo (81)Dynamique Audio (62)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry