Category: Accessories

Shuguang KT-120 Vacuum Tube

January 14, 2016

  Since owning the three models of the Ayon Audio Triton integrated amplifier (MKI, II, and III) since 2009 I’ve been on a quest to find the best KT-88/120 tube to power my integrated amplifier. [Read More]

Stillpoints’ Aperture Acoustic Panels

November 17, 2015

  When one thinks of popular Stillpoints isolation devices, you immediately think of their world renowned Ultra SS, Ultra 5, 6, and their ESS Racks (right). Stillpoints has provided great demonstrations of their brand through [Read More]

Synergistic Research Atmosphere Series Cables and Grounding Block

July 27, 2015

Ted Denney, president and lead engineer at Synergistic Research (SR) is constantly developing new products and revamping existing products by carrying over technology conceived for one application in the reproduction of music, applying it in [Read More]

Bybee Room Neutralizers

July 21, 2015

      The advertising on the TweekGeek website says that Room Neutralizers (hereafter RNs)—rather unprepossessing rectangles of quarter-inch-thick, laminated ABS plastic approximately 2” by 6” with a 6” pigtail of wire sticking out the [Read More]

Synergistic Research Atmosphere and ATM

June 13, 2015

    Ted Denney, president and lead engineer at SR is constantly developing new products and revamping existing products by carrying over technology conceived for one application in the reproduction of music, applying it in [Read More]

Sistrum Rhythm Platforms by Star Sound

June 3, 2015

      One and Four Shelves I have had many experiences with improvements in sound quality since I abandoned building cabinets and isolation type devices for myself. Of those I have purchased in the [Read More]

Stein Music Blue Sun

May 13, 2015

Holger Stein, the man behind Stein Music has some understanding of quantum physics and advanced engineering. His passion for music has enabled him to create a range of rather unique and interesting products like his [Read More]

PS Audio PerfectWave P5

May 5, 2015

  Last summer 2014, I had the luxury of reviewing the limited edition Bybee AC Holographic AC conditioner (limited edition as in only 10 were manufactured). I still feel fortunate because the Bybee conditioner is [Read More]

Audio Vaccine Music Serum

April 20, 2015

  The variety of high-end audio tweaks has grown tremendously over the past decade, thanks in a large part to the Internet. And at great venues like Denver’s AudioFest, the Newport and Munich high end [Read More]

Tripoint Thor SE Grounding Cable

April 10, 2015

  Perhaps some readers were surprised that I nominated the Tripoint Thor SE grounding cables as one of my “Most Wanted Components,” as it is something merely attached to the Tripoint Troy Signature grounding unit. [Read More]

Enterprise CoatingsClasse Audio (68)Als Audio 2 (67)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry