Author: Clement Perry

Gobel High End: A Visit to their Munich Factory

June 23, 2015

The steady growth and magnitude of Munich’s High End show made my attempt at hearing everything I had intended to exhaustive and futile. Even with two cameras in hand, there simply wasn’t enough time to [Read More]

Munich 2015: The Greatest Show on Earth page 6

May 29, 2015

Watch your step at the High End show when going up or down the stairs…. Whether awesome, odd looking or outrageously dressed, components such as the above are always a welcome sight at Munich’s High [Read More]

Munich 2015: The Greatest Show on Earth page 5

May 27, 2015

The Munich High End show is a big time affair in Bavaria and from outside the MOC it looks as professional as the Olympics.   Before moving on to the other highlights at this year’s High [Read More]

Munich 2015: The Greatest Show on Earth page 4

May 25, 2015

I spent most of the first day (Thursday) in the Halle area – which is located on the ground floor of the MOC – because I just knew I would find something special there to [Read More]

Munich 2015: The Greatest Show on Earth page 3

May 22, 2015

Only in Munich! Rumor has it that this huge Realhorns apparatus located in the MOC’s atrium serves as only the tweeter section. Thank God, this rumor proved to be false. Fact is, this is the [Read More]

Munich 2015: The Greatest Show On Earth!

May 19, 2015

Munich High End 2015 This year’s High End 2015 , held each May in Munich, Germany is high-end audio’s equivalent of The Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus. And like Greatest Show on Earth, High [Read More]

DMA – 06 Multimedia Entertainment System

May 13, 2015

    Being the only audiophile in my family can be lonely at times. Don’t get me wrong, they all love music but unfortunately no one is as passionate or would ever be accused of [Read More]

Göbel Lacorde Statement Cables

May 6, 2015

An embarrassment of riches. That’s how I feel about the latest series of cables that are now a fixture in my reference system. I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about them for a few reasons:1) [Read More]

Audio Vaccine Music Serum

April 20, 2015

  The variety of high-end audio tweaks has grown tremendously over the past decade, thanks in a large part to the Internet. And at great venues like Denver’s AudioFest, the Newport and Munich high end [Read More]

Als Audio 2 (67)Bliss Hifi (72)Pass Labs (26)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry