Author: Mike Silverton

Random Noise 08

December 14, 2007

                              Random Noise 8   Does paint improve the lily? To be possess’d with double pomp,To guard a title that was rich before, To [Read More]

Random Noise 07

October 4, 2007

    Random Noise 7                               NuForce’s S-9 speaker                I’m obliged to begin with a conflict-of-interest declaration. Well, mostly. You be the judge. The thing is, I’m doing work for NuForce: editing the company’s Web site, [Read More]

Random Noise 06

September 4, 2007

                                                           Random Noise 6              Nordost’s Quasar Points: Simple, Effective Acoustic Isolation                 Before we get to Nordost’s new “Resonance Control Devices,” I’ll mention three audio-component-isolation systems I’ve [Read More]

Random Noise 05

August 1, 2007

                                          Random Noise 5                                        Nordost’s remarkable Tyr cables                                            Tyr is pronounced tear as in teardrops, the stuff we sound-geeks shed when it’s time to pay for the wherewithal. I look [Read More]

Random Noise 04

July 2, 2007

                           Random Noise 4                    NuForce? Of course! Amplifiers: kinds by the dozen, again as many makes. And where would we be without [Read More]

Random Noise 03

June 1, 2007

                                    Random Noise 3                        Spooky? Yes. Effective? Yes.  In my first Random Noise column, I touched briefly on two tweaks [Read More]

Random Noise 02

May 1, 2007

                Random Noise 2                                                   The hai-fai egret’s mating call: Tweak! Tweak! Tweako! Tweak!If the gentle reader regards acoustic-isolation underpinnings as audiophile hooey, he or she is advised to skip ahead [Read More]

Random Noise 01

April 1, 2007

                                                                                 Random Noise 1 An old boy’s toys For approximately a quarter-eon after the Big Bang, I wrote for The Stereo Times and did some [Read More]

Audio VR Series Isolation Platforms

March 22, 2002

Silent Running Audio VR Series Isolation Platforms   Mike Silverton 22 March 2002 Specifications Component specific SRA isolation platforms conform to the width, depth and weight, and where necessary, the irregular contours of the hardware [Read More]

Silversmith Audio Silver Interconnect and Speaker Cable

March 11, 2002

Silversmith Audio Silver Interconnect and Speaker Cable   Mike Silverton 11 March 2002 Specifications 8-foot Silversmith Silver Speaker Cable, $2950.4.5-foot balanced (XLR-terminated) Silversmith Silver Interconnect, $1650. AddressSilversmith Audio,4946 Pacifica Drive,San Diego CA 92109Phone 858 272 [Read More]

Kharma Audio (33)NanoFlo (82)Vinshine Audio (71)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, Stephen Yan, and Rob Dockery

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

Music Reviewers:
Carlos Sanchez, John Jonczyk, John Sprung and Russell Lichter

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry