Author: Mike Silverton
Shuguang KT-120 Vacuum Tube
January 14, 2016
Since owning the three models of the Ayon Audio Triton integrated amplifier (MKI, II, and III) since 2009 I’ve been on a quest to find the best KT-88/120 tube to power my integrated amplifier. [Read More]
Acoustic Revive’s RR-888 Schumann Resonance Generator
September 15, 2014
Weird Science? The Acoustic Revive RR-888 is Ken Ishiguro’s third iteration of a diminutive, stand-alone device that, from the start, made obvious contributions to the quality of recorded sound. No larger than a [Read More]
Acoustic Revive RAF -48H Air Floating Board
December 3, 2013
A geezer’s disinclination to heft major appliances directs my comments at audio’s lightweight peripherals. I’ve covered many and heard all doing something. Yet, like certain medications, effects sometime fade to where one wonders where [Read More]
Acoustic Revive RR-777
September 14, 2012
A new Revival? I’m hardly the first to have written enthusiastically about Ken Ishiguro’s RR-77 Schumann Resonance Generator, otherwise called the RR-77 Ultra-Low Frequency Pulse Generator. As a guess, it’s probably the [Read More]
HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses
January 23, 2012
Random Noise 31 HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses Fuses? Really? Well, yes…This is a tweak report. Please, don’t sulk. Before we drift into the prelims, let’s review the term. In audio, a tweak [Read More]
SteinMusic’s H2 Harmonizers, Magic Stones and Magic Diamonds
December 2, 2011
SteinMusic’s H2 Harmonizers, Magic Stones and Magic Diamonds Call This an Unqualified Rave December, 2011 The key to canned heaven: involvement When Lee and I moved up to high-definition video, we asked ourselves why we’d [Read More]
Revisiting Acoustic Revive’s RAS-14 AC Stabilizer
December 23, 2010
Acoustic Revive’s RAS-14 A/C Stabilizer But should I doubt my ears? November, 2010 You can’t pee in the same river twice Fact: the audiophile is a fickle creature. This is especially true [Read More]
A Modest Proposal
December 9, 2010
Number 26 A Modest Proposal Dodging brickbats … Consumer Reports purchases what it covers, thereby avoiding suspicions of collusion. Elsewhere, reviewers who anger manufacturers find themselves cut off from stuff to write about. That’s [Read More]
Acoustic Revive’s RAS-14 A/C Stabilizer
November 1, 2010
Acoustic Revive’s RAS-14 A/C Stabilizer But should I doubt my ears? November, 2010 You can’t pee in the same river twice Fact: the audiophile is a fickle creature. This is especially true [Read More]
NuForce’s Reference 18 Mono Power Amplifier
October 6, 2010
NuForce’s Reference 18 Mono Power Amplifier And now, what we’ve all been waiting for… October 2010 Disclosure. Again. I work for NuForce. In keeping with my standing as a spoiled insider, my comments about [Read More]
Stereo Times Masthead
Clement Perry
Dave Thomas
Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,
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David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doron, and Daveed Turek
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Ad Designer: Martin Perry