Author: Michael Wright
Esoteric® UX-3 Universal Disc Player
March 26, 2006
Esoteric® UX-3 Universal Disc Player A Magisterial Performer March 2006 Taking the Next Step in Digital AudioDigital audio has really taken off over the last couple of years, and all but the most hardcore [Read More]
Grommes 360 Monoblock Amplifiers
October 31, 2005
Grommes 360 Monoblock Amplifiers Old school excellence meets modern day execution. October 2005 Finding a new old friendI was in one of my favorite audio “watering holes”, Holm Audio, in Woodridge, IL, when a [Read More]
Almarro M2A Loudspeakers
October 5, 2005
Almarro M2A Loudspeakers Musical Little Gems From Japan October 2005 Where are the speakers from Japan? Seriously. Ask yourself when was the last time you heard a speaker you were impressed with that was [Read More]
Atlas Cables
September 5, 2005
Atlas Cables A Neat Little Discovery Sept 2005 Sometimes being noticed by your photograph has some advantages. H. Courtenay Osborne and I had just gotten into an elevator in the San Remo Hotel after [Read More]
The Von Schweikert Audio VR4jr Loudspeaker
March 18, 2005
The Von Schweikert Audio VR4jr Loudspeaker Legendary Sound In A Smaller Package March 2005 I don’t mind confessing to you that I was more than a little bit intimidated when our fearless leader asked [Read More]
Almarro Audio A50125A Integrated Amplifier
March 1, 2005
Almarro Audio A50125A Integrated Amplifier March 2005 Audiophile grade components from Japan This little adventure started out as a speaker review. Dave Thomas had asked me to look in on a Japanese high-end audio [Read More]
Thor Audio TA-1000 Line Stage and TA-3000 Phono Stage
January 4, 2005
Thor Audio TA-1000 Line Stage and TA-3000 Phono Stage Preview To Mark II Michael Wright January 2005 Upon hearing from a friend of mine that I was writing reviews for ST and using the [Read More]
Blue Marble Audio Cables
December 5, 2004
Blue Marble Audio Cables Michael Wright December 2004 Outstanding cables from San Antonio I have to confess to really enjoying doing cable reviews. I’m not just talking about cables from the manufacturers with [Read More]
Usher Audio Technology 6371 Loudspeakers
August 1, 2004
Usher Audio Technology 6371 Loudspeakers Ushering In Real Value From Taiwan Mike Wright July 2004 Getting introduced to the Usher When I first joined the staff at Stereo Times, one of the first manufacturer’s [Read More]
Soaring Audio SLC-A300 Amplifier
May 25, 2004
Soaring with the SLC-A300 Michael Wright May 2004 A new contender emerges I was surprised to receive an email from our copy editor, Dave Thomas, with an offer to review an amplifier from [Read More]
Stereo Times Masthead
Clement Perry
Dave Thomas
Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,
Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, Rob Dockery, Richard Doran, and Daveed Turek
Site Management Clement Perry
Ad Designer: Martin Perry